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Six On Saturday at the End of May
Saturday, 29 May 2021
The last Saturday of the merry month of May. Continuing to follow "The Propagator," originator of Six on Saturday with a selection of half a dozen plants of interest at the moment in my garden.
The end is in sight. I've planted all of the elephant ears and almost all of the cannas that were stored in peat moss over the winter, in the garage.
Friday morning, as I came downstairs into the kitchen to feed the cats
and make myself a cup of coffee what did I see outside the door but
a sleek and well nourished doe staring back at me. Which explains why
the nearby early flowering Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus has gone from
loaded with flower buds to just an occasional here and there bloom.
And then in the afternoon out my study window I saw a different doe, two yearlings,
and a very young, gawky, stilt legged, prancing little fawn, new to the world.
Old Man's Beard, Chionanthus virginicus, veils itself with a froth of thread-like flowers. They are,
like hollies, separately sexed. Female trees have clusters of lovely dark blue olive-like fruits.
Similar to the perhaps more familiar deutzia, this is Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Dream Catcher'
a charming late spring flowering shrub with almost chartreuse leaves and soft pink flowers.
The pots of rex begonia 'Moonlight' are out of the greenhouse,
adapting to the real world of sun and rain. Heretofore they are
unpotted and planted in the ground. Perhaps I'll leave them as is.
My Japanese fiber banana, Musa basjoo, has clearly begun
its seasonal growing. Here it is on May 23rd. Not impressive.
However it has been hot, temperatures touching 90 degrees Fahrenheit. And, probably because the two water barrels at the bottom of the driveway were filled, it's been raining fit to beat the band. Yesterday, 28 May, we got 1.71 inches. This morning my weather station indicates that it was .50 inches by 9:00 a.m. and shows no sign of slackening off. Banana weather.
This morning the banana's leaves are peering in my study's window.
That's in just six days. Soon enough they'll be totally curtaining it.
Sauromatum guttatum, aka Sauromatum venosum, syn. Typhonium venosum
is surprisingly hardy for a plant that is native the Himalayas and southern India.
Note: The purple leaves in this image are those of shiso, Perilla frutescens.
Voodoo lily has no obvious stench that I can detect, but flies are besotted with it.
I grow these not for their peculiar flowers but their lush tropical foliage in summer.
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